Exploring poetry, art and empathy for everyday life.

Debut Collection
by Erin Shiel

Release Date: June 2023
Published by Recent Work Press

Girl on a Corrugated Roof uses empathy and the natural environment to draw art out of the gallery and into our everyday lives.



Erin Shiel is an award-winning poet, with poems published in Mascara, Meanjin, Cordite and Australian Love Poems. Her first collection ‘Girl on a Corrugated Roof’ was published by Recent Work Press. It features poems about contemporary art and artists, as well as exploring kindness, grief and the neglected beauty of everyday life. Erin has worked in the public health and community sectors, most recently with families. She has Masters degrees in literature, creative writing, public health and counselling.


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Erin creates tailored workshops about responding to art with poetry. From beginners to more experienced writers she loves to collaborate with galleries & artists.


A counsellor and psychotherapist, Erin incorporates family systemic approaches and narrative therapy together with creative approaches.


Erin provides writing, program design and implementation for stakeholder engagement. Creative workshops for staff self-care are also available.